
Creating art allows me to express my emotions and find my voice. It is a place of healing and rejuvenation. It’s the paradox of losing oneself to find oneself.

With mosaic art, the challenge is to combine different fragments and make a coherent whole. I love to work with the variety of textures, and incorporate many materials such as ceramic, glass, mirror, broken plates and found objects.  Although I may start off very planned, the spontaneous impulse, happily takes me off track from time to time.

More recently I am drawn to the immediacy of paint (acrylics). I paint mostly landscapes because I love the light and the vibrancy of the colors. I feel a deep connection to nature and feel most alive when I am outside. Painting allows me to interpret the landscape according to how I experience it. I draw inspiration from my local walks as well as my travels. After blocking in the basics, I listen to the painting and respond with a certain brushstroke or color in a continuing dialogue.